Aməša Spəntas in Mazdean Cosmology and Their Role in Spiritual Wayfaring

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Comparative Religion, Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran


In Zoroastrian cosmology, Aməša Spəntas are considered as Ahuramazda’s manifestations and his agents in creating, nurturing and preserving the world, and they play an important role in guiding human beings towards the eternal bliss. Almost all Mazdean texts refer to these divine beams in two groups of males and females, and everywhere in these texts they are viewed as divine, intelligent beings, worthy of praise and adoration. Moreover, each of these Aməša Spəntas is closely related to one of Ahuramazda’s creations (sky, earth, water, plant, animal, man and fire) and is known to be its guardian and custodian. Each part of creation in its turn is also the symbol of a particular Amshaspand, and accordingly it is required to be respected and taken care of. This essay tries to illustrate the place of these manifestations of Ahuramazda in Mazdean cosmology and their importance in individual spiritual wayfaring, through investigating the Avesta and Pahlavi texts.


Main Subjects

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