Relationship of the Real-posited Notions to the Subjective and Objective Reality in Regard to the One and Many

Document Type : Original Article



The subject of this article is reviewing the relationship of concepts of the real posited notions (logical philosophical concepts) to the subjective and objective reality in regard to the one and many. The question is that dose the unity or diversity of the mental and external reality (origin of the abstract) of the logical and philosophical concepts require the unity or diversity of the concept? Does the unity or diversity of the logical or philosophical concept represent the unity or diversity of the origin of the abstract concept? In response to these questions, we formulate hypotheses and propositions.

The methodology of the research is analytic through conceptual analysis and the most important findings of the research are: 1- in logical predicate that does not fit with semantic character of its abstract origin, the plurality of the types of logical sense does not discover the plurality of the types of its abstract origin; as the plurality of the types of the origin of the abstract does not require a plurality of the types of logical sense. 2- In logical predicate that has a characteristic of an appropriate semantic with its abstract origin there is a bilateral correlation between the concept and its abstract origin in regard to the unity and multiplicity.


Main Subjects

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