The Role of body in Mula Sadra`s Psychology (7 Issues of Psychology)

Document Type : Original Article


1 the department of theology, the faculty of literature, the university of Isfahan

2 department of theology, the faculty of literature, the university of Isfahan


The questions about the body issues in discussion of philosophical anthropology overshadowed by the mind issues and the role of body in human identity is largely neglected. Actually knowing the truth of the human existence requires some prefaces; so identification of the body is one of the most important of them. Recognition the Nature of body and its works and effects is one of the most necessary arrangements towards self-knowledge. In this paper the issues and the provisions of mind are studied from the background of body and understanding of mind and philosophical anthropology at the thought of Mulla Sadra is noticed with a focus on the body. Physical body features sometimes contribute positively to the recognition of the qualities and the rules of the mind; like it’s usage in the definition of mind and corporeal creation of mind. But some of the body's features are negatively effective in the knowledge of mind. For example: The body material has quantity and condition; Body has limitation in the actions; it becomes weak and old; it changes; it does the actions by Physical tools and the knowledge of body needs the special location. Proving the existence of mind, proving Immaterial being of imagination and intellect are the issues that Mulla Sadra utilizes by knowledge of the body and physical features –in a negative way- to explain and analyze them.


Main Subjects

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