A Study on How beings are said to Be Based on Farabi's Viewpoints

Document Type : Original Article



Aristotle considered being neither univocal nor equivocal, but as the third kind i.e. Pros hen because he believed that being is said being in relation to one point.  In other words, this term is applied to the beings for their priority and posteriority in being.   The first usage of the term signifies the substance and other beings are said "being" as they are in relation to substance. Reviewing Farabi's thoughts reveals that unlike Avicenna that believed in Tashkik of the concept of "being", Farabi followed   Aristotle's' thoughts and his argument about focal meaning which doesn't refer to equivocality or univocality of "being". Farabi was of the opinion that the term isn't applied equally to all beings, but based on their priority and posteriority in being. In addition, he extended the account of Aristotle's doctrine of the different senses of being in the different categories beyond Aristotle's own use to cover the relation between sensible substances and the First and Second Being.


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