philosophy of art in Avesina'books

Document Type : Original Article



Nowadays, the role and importance of art has grown ever more than ever before. Due to the growing importance of art, there is a strong tendency towards the theoretical discussions on art. This research studies the nature of art and its main and secondary components in the works of Avicenna. One of the main components of art is beauty. In Ibn Sina's view, beauty is in the general sense (sensible and immaterial), last perfection and completeness, or having all the desirable and required qualities. In his opinion, the elements of sensible beauty are order, symmetry, good combination, unity and unification. The origin of beauty is absolute beauty that is God. The creation of love, admiration and astonishment are some of the effects of beauty on the subject of perception. Beauty is a real, objective thing Art According to the views of Ibn Sina can be defined as creating beautiful form. The imitation that was considered the foundation of art for Plato and Aristotle has a  different  meaning for  Ibn Sina. According to the works of Ibn Sina. the imagination is the source of all artwork. Avicenna discusses detailed about imagination. The remote source of art in works of  Ibn Sina, is a natural desire for beauty and  Implicit desire to imitate. As the philosophy of the art of Ibn Sina is extracted and formulated with a proper logical structure, there will be new, and important  ideas for both the philosophers and artists.


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